Singer Cosmetics
Any unopened cosmetic product may be returned for a full refund within 60 days of purchase with valid sales receipt. Refunds will be applied the same way in which the original transactions occurred (card transactions will be credited to card, checks not deposited will be returned, checks deposited will be a check refund, cash will not be given for a credit card or check purchase return).
If the purchased product is defective, we will gladly exchange it for the same product within 14 days of purchase, provided sales receipt is present. Products that have been damaged after purchase will not qualify for exchange.
In the unfortunate event that the purchased product causes a rash or an allergic reaction, the client must report this to SINGER DERMATOLOGY or SINGER COSMETICS staff immediately. Client must be seen and treated for this rash or reaction by a provider at SINGER DERMATOLOGY within 14 days of purchase of product to receive an account credit or a refund, with valid sales receipt. This will be evaluated as a case by case basis, not all products purchased may qualify for a refund and the client may only be offered an account credit. If reaction occurs when office is not opened, the client is encouraged to take photos of reaction and report this to staff as soon as possible.
SINGER COSMETICS has the right to refuse any product refund if the client does not follow this protocol as stated above.